Thursday, March 15, 2012

Steam Box And The PC Games Console

An Artists Impression
Oh Look it's my PC!
I've been following this story with much interest and I get the feeling that the gaming community both PC and console don't seem to see beyond "but it's just a PC". The community seem to be seeing hardware and not the most important aspect of this possible new product.

You see to understand the benefit of this so called PC console we need to take a critical look at PC gaming. Now as a dedicated PC gamer I know the benefits, I can buy cheep games brand new off the internet from places such as and steam. I can even buy discounted PC hardware from warehouses and put the thing together myself and save hundreds of dollars. It's not hard it just takes time. Hard core PC gamers know this, their proud they have the know how to do it. That's fair, BUT they also expect others to take the time and learn all this for themselves and that's just not realistic.

The problem lies in that there is a lot of people that don't have the time or will power to learn this stuff, it's simpler to just walk into a shop and buy a console for their gaming needs. I can understand that (although I'd still say your missing out if your not gaming on PC). So PC is missing out by only offering sub par Dell packages or overpriced Alienware PCs for the customer looking for an easy hassle free perchance.

So the key to a successful PC Games Console like the Steam Box concept is not in the hardware being something new and different it's in the product as a whole, its concept. It would have to be marketed like a console, an entertainment unit advertised to be plugged into your living room. It could be packaged up with a wireless mouse, keyboard and game controller. It would be pre-built to run games and video. A hassle free plug and play PC. It would have mass market appeal as a singular boxed product like a console, but with the benefit of thousands of games available on launch day, the open platform flexibility and upgradeability of a PC. A true hybrid.

The PC has everything it needs for mass market, software such as steam smashes old limitations such difficulties installing games and updating graphics drivers. You can now 'one click' install games and AMD graphics drivers through steam, hassle free. But the hardware of a PC is different it's not within today's mass market popularity. Buying a new graphics card is not the same as buying a new tablet. I could see the steam AMD partnership growing to fill this gap. AMD already makes it's products as a platform, such as their Spider and Dragon platforms, consisting a family of chipsets, CPUs and GPUs. Transferring those necessary possessors into a pre-build system by one or two manufactures is not out of the question. And then you could potentially have an affordable hardware platform for steam software.

I consider myself bit of a PC enthusiast and I think I will always build a custom PC myself, but I can see the benefit of this hybrid, this console marketed optimized PC platform, this Steam Box idea. It could bring PC gaming to large numbers of people that are turned off by the few remaining down sides to PC gaming or still under the false impression of past flaws that are no longer. The next gen consoles need to evolve under pressure from an expanding PC market and portable gaming tablets. So they are most likely to become more PC like anyway, more internet reliant and so more at risk of hackers like the despicable attack on the PS3. But the big three will still hamstring developers with their closed platform that delays patches, restricting games as exclusives, and limiting graphic potential. Perhaps a console PC hybrid might foster change? Brake dawn the closed platform barriers to compete? End the exclusives that divide fallow gamers to no end? One can only hope. But a Steam Box would be a nice addition to the gaming landscape regardless.

Now that's a gaming rig!

Baldur's Gate 1&2 Remade!

This is big news, for many many fans! (myself included!) Old school RPG fans rejoice! The Baldur Gate games hold a special place in many a gamers heart as one of the finest RPGs ever, with an engaging story, wonderful characters and deep RPG elements.  Details are slim but we do know the games are being remade by Overhaul Games, they have this little tid bit on there website: " We are Overhaul Games. since we got our start at Bioware we've made a few games, met a few friends, and now we're back working on the games we love. For years we've wanted to continue our journey on Baldur's Gate, and now after months negotiations we get to do just that." - and this latter statement - "will feature a re-forged version of the Infinity Engine with a variety of modern improvements, We're adding new original content in the spirit of the original game".

Other good news is that this will not involve EA-Bioware, thank the gaming gods! Mainly because the D&D rules set is now in use by Wizards of the Coast.

So we can expect a better looking/sounding game with some new content mixed in. Sounds like a dream come true so far!

Friday, March 9, 2012

Mechwarrior Gameplay Video!

Fire da missiles!!
If you have not heard developer Piranha Games has been hard at work on Mechwarrior: Online a PC only MMO. Piranha Games are self confessed Battletech fans and it shows with their attention to detail in relation to battletech cannon. What makes this game particularly interesting is it's use of role warfare; light mechs will not just be the lame thing you start off with, but a viable asset if not a necessary scouting asset in every mission. I also like the way every real world day is another day in the timeline of the battletech universe, this means that at launch there will be no Clan mechs but not too long into the future the Clan invasion will happen...
It's a great looking game too as you will see in the videos, I for one am really looking forward to this!

This vid is a developer interview with gameplay: Click Here

This one is just the gameplay and will take you to the official website too: Click Here

Monday, January 16, 2012

Mass Effect 3 Needs Origin to Play

If you haven't heard to play Mass Effect 3 EA's next big thing then you'll be forced to use the widely despised Origin software. You will need Origin to play ME3's multiplayer and will require a one time, single authorization for the single player game, whether you buy the game through Origin as a digital download or as a boxed game.

Sounds a bit like Steam yeah? But there are a few major drawbacks. Origins history has been shown that the application collects information from your system, something akin to spyware. The only assurances we get from Bioware the developer is "Users will be allowed to opt-out of Mass Effect 3 data collection" But that only covers ME3 data as for other data I can't say and nether did Bioware.

The Forums are blazing with angry customers, many stating they no longer wish to buy ME3 instead choosing moral dignity over entertainment. Others stated they canceled their pre-order in disgust. The reasons for this are more then Origins history, forcing players to use EA's Origin means players are slave to what ever price EA places on the game and the DLC. It's the DLC that EA seem most concerned about. To buy DLC for a game like ME3 a player must first buy Bioware points, the points are strategically coasted so that a player must buy more points then is necessary for the DLC they wont. This forces the customer to pay more then they would if buying the DLC directly through other outlets like Steam. Other players simply just don't wont another application on their system when they are happy with the better alternative they already have, and have invested in with a library of games and friends.

Most unfortunate although expected are those that have stated their intention to turn to piracy, showing that shoving DRM down peoples throats and in this case software too only pushes gamers into piracy. Some will do it as a way to hit back at the big company's disrespect at punishing those that do the right thing and buy the game. Others will do it just to dodge the DRM

So if your a firm hater of DRM and the Origins software your going to have a bad time when installing your shinny new copy of ME3. As for me the Mass Effect saga will be on hold until EA drops the BS, I know I'll be waiting a long time, but there are other brilliant games out there that don't force feed me applications and DRM I don't wont/need.

If your interested here are some links the the discussions and info: IGN forum and Bioware forum.  

Friday, January 13, 2012

Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine - First Impressions

In the December/January Steam sales I picked up warhammer 40,000 Space Marine by Relic. I've played their previous 40K title Dawn of War 2 and really enjoyed it, so I thought I'd give this new one a go.

I installed the game just a couple of days ago and have been blasting my way through the campaign ever since. It would come as no surprise to Dawn of War 2 players that the story and characters are a bit two dimensional, but so far from what I have seen it's not necessarily bad. After all it's all about stomping around as a heavily armored Space Marine and smashing squishy orks!

That brings me to the combat, it's fast and bloody, easy to pick up but can be a bit cumbersome in melee. Ranged combat works very well and you'll have a range of heavy and small arms to blow your enemy's away from afar. The thing I like most about the weapons in this game is that there are no "crap" guns, their all good in their own way so your free to use your favorite without disadvantage.

When it comes to interacting with the environment there's not much to be had, other then pressing buttons (also a little cumbersome at times), you can't "take cover" gears of war style so you'll have to stay mobile with room to maneuver if you are to avoid incoming attacks. But on the plus side the developer did a great job of showing the weight of your Space Marine as you stomp around the battlefield.  

One reason why I did buy this game is because of the co-op mode released not too long ago called Exterminatus. I got addicted to the co-op in Dawn of War 2's last stand and expected a similar experience for Space Marine's co-op mode. It's similar in the way that a team of four player work together to fight off wave after wave a bad guys with increasing difficulty and it's just as addictive and fun as Last Stand. It seems less social compered to Last Stand but that's probably because there's just no time to chat compered to it's real time strategy counterpart.

I hope this little insight helps those thinking about buying the game, if you already have the game I'll see you online!