Friday, January 13, 2012

Warhammer 40,000: Space Marine - First Impressions

In the December/January Steam sales I picked up warhammer 40,000 Space Marine by Relic. I've played their previous 40K title Dawn of War 2 and really enjoyed it, so I thought I'd give this new one a go.

I installed the game just a couple of days ago and have been blasting my way through the campaign ever since. It would come as no surprise to Dawn of War 2 players that the story and characters are a bit two dimensional, but so far from what I have seen it's not necessarily bad. After all it's all about stomping around as a heavily armored Space Marine and smashing squishy orks!

That brings me to the combat, it's fast and bloody, easy to pick up but can be a bit cumbersome in melee. Ranged combat works very well and you'll have a range of heavy and small arms to blow your enemy's away from afar. The thing I like most about the weapons in this game is that there are no "crap" guns, their all good in their own way so your free to use your favorite without disadvantage.

When it comes to interacting with the environment there's not much to be had, other then pressing buttons (also a little cumbersome at times), you can't "take cover" gears of war style so you'll have to stay mobile with room to maneuver if you are to avoid incoming attacks. But on the plus side the developer did a great job of showing the weight of your Space Marine as you stomp around the battlefield.  

One reason why I did buy this game is because of the co-op mode released not too long ago called Exterminatus. I got addicted to the co-op in Dawn of War 2's last stand and expected a similar experience for Space Marine's co-op mode. It's similar in the way that a team of four player work together to fight off wave after wave a bad guys with increasing difficulty and it's just as addictive and fun as Last Stand. It seems less social compered to Last Stand but that's probably because there's just no time to chat compered to it's real time strategy counterpart.

I hope this little insight helps those thinking about buying the game, if you already have the game I'll see you online!

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